Thursday, March 19, 2015


When you start out on a weight loss journey, most of the people who love you and care for you are supportive. You hear a lot of "Good job!" and "Keep it up!" and "I'm so proud of you." If you have friends/family members who have gone through a weight loss themselves, they will freely offer you stories of how much easier it gets.  If you have a health coach or personal trainer, they will have absolutely no problem telling you how good you will feel or how much it will be worth in the long run. Now, I'm not saying that you won't feel better. Believe me! I feel more energetic every single day. Overall, I do feel better, but there are some days when I feel worse. Today's discussion is... DETOX!

This is something people don't tell you about often. Why would they? They want to support you. They don't want you to give up. They want to be by your side when you reach that goal weight. They want to be able to tell you, "I KNEW YOU COULD DO IT!"

I'm giving up soda and junk food all at once. I spoke of my addiction to Coca-Cola a couple of days ago. Now, let me share with you my love of chips, buttery popcorn, and Taco Bell! OMG! I LOVE TACO BELL! Most of my cheat meals last year involved Taco Bell. Truth! I'm not saying Taco Bell is 100% terrible for you. Everything in moderation, my friends, but eating a quesarito at 10:30PM might not always be the best choice.

Now, that my back story is out of the way... let's talk about detox.

I'm not doing a cleanse or a detox regimen of any sort. All I'm doing is eating and drinking healthier options. My body is naturally detoxing on its own. The junk I have ingested over the years is flushing itself out, and my body has gone into a bit of shock. Fatigue, regular cravings of the junk I once had, headaches from the lower amounts of sugar and caffeine, frequent restroom visits (yes, I went there. Water will do its job.) These are a few of my personal detox symptoms, yet I do not give up. I deal with it because I know there is something better on the side. Weight loss will be great, but knowing I am flushing toxins and replenishing my body with healthy and useful nutrients is reward enough.

But... I'm still craving Coca-Cola multiple times a day, everyday. I'll let you know when it does. Until then, keep moving, eat healthy, stay hydrated, but most importantly, be happy!

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